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Artificial Intelligence: Impact Report

AI now and into the future As organisations continue to evolve in the digital age, artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is playing an increasingly pivotal role ...
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How to Build a Game-Changing AI Strategy

How to Build a Game-Changing AI Strategy 

With the global AI market projected to reach $190.61 billion by 2025, growing at a seemingly unstoppable compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 36.6%*, we ...
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What’s Complexity got to do with IT?

To ensure IT costs are justified and systems run efficiently, mastering complexity is key. The whitepaper "ImprovIT: The Role of Complexity in our IT Benchmarking ...
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The Venture Capitalist's Guide to Optimised IT

Take Control, Drive Growth: The Guide to Optimised IT

Remember the pandemic’s “adapt or die” moment? While the immediate crisis has now passed, the market’s turbulence continues. Consumer confidence, social unrest, and economic upheaval ...
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Moving providers: a CIO’s experience

If you’re currently considering – or in the process of – moving providers, you could be forgiven for thinking it’s an uphill struggle. The procurement ...
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A Strategic Approach: Converting Technical Debt into Funding for AI and innovation

CIOs today face a renewed challenge of balancing spend on innovation against optimisation, after years disrupted by external forces which have reshaped customer and employee ...
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Enhancing Your PR24 Business Plan with ImprovIT’s Expertise

The countdown to your PR24 final submission is imminent, and we understand the pressure of crafting a stellar business case which balances the short term ...
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Do you know how much you’re spending on cyber security? Could it be too much?

CIOs are trapped between a rock and a hard place on cyber security. On the one hand, you have CEOs shroud-waving after headlines about hacks ...
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Maximising IT Supplier Relationships: A Guide for CTOs & CIOs

We all know that managing IT supplier relationships can be complex, time-consuming, and frustrating, especially if things start to go wrong. We recently wrote an ...
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How to Salvage a Failing IT Supplier Relationship: Guidance for CTOs & CIOs

How to Salvage a Failing IT Supplier Relationship: Guidance for CTOs & CIOs

Technology is so critical to business success that when supplier relationships fail, it can have a huge impact. Most large enterprises these days have a ...
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What has bobsleigh got to do with IT?

As we announce our sponsorship of bobsleigh athlete Nikki McSweeney, you could be forgiven for wondering how on earth this could have come about. It’s ...
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IT Transparency Subscription Service

How to drive IT value conversations using data you already have

IT Transparency Subscription Service In a 2022 survey of IT leaders*, 74% reported that improving their use of data and analytics was ‘extremely important’ to ...
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Top 3 IT Challenges in South Africa

At ImprovIT we’re proud that we work across diverse industries and territories. It gives us new ideas, perspectives and experience; and allows us to work ...
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camera falling

What’s hiding behind the headlines in your IT budget? 

It’s a simple question that’s not all that easy to answer. Whether you’re a senior IT leader determined to build a better, more efficient service; ...
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Man being hidden behind a plume of yellow smoke from a flare

How To Keep Nasty Surprises Away From Your CFO

Imagine this. A meeting suddenly appears in your calendar with your CEO and CFO. It wasn’t expected. A compliance issue has been picked up and ...
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Water bubbles on a digital CD

How Do You Deliver Digital Transformation and Keep the Lights On?

Rising economic uncertainty, following hot on the heels of the COVID pandemic, is leaving many organisations facing unprecedented pressures. Unsurprisingly, many senior executives are looking ...
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Blue toy army soldier looking out of the screen with plastic binoculars

How To Make IT More Effective

The world is a volatile place at the moment. As a senior IT leader it’s a constant challenge to keep ahead of competitors with new ...
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Binoculars on a fence looking at towards mountains

Stick or Twist? The IT Contract Renewal Dilemma

You’ve just received a reminder that your existing IT outsourcing contract is coming up for renewal, and you’ve heard on the grape vine that the ...
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Binoculars on a on a wooden table

Why Bother Benchmarking?

IT benchmarking may sound esoteric and even slightly dull. But at ImprovIT, we know that it’s a critical catalyst for business transformation.
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Image of telescope looking out over rocky bay with bright blue skies

Are You Getting Value For Money?

We all want to feel that we’re getting value for money from the things we buy. But when you control large budgets on behalf of ...
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